French off the press.

Monthly Archives: February 2014

Enjoy some of my favorites from the trip! Bangkok

Planning a trip is exciting but can be stressful.  Personally, before a trip I put in a lot of research about the country, culture and tourists must-knows.  This is typical stuff that I look into before take off.  Let me know if any of this is helpful or if you would like me to add more.

My first impression of Chang Mai was ‘what a clean city!’ There are fountains everywhere and, for the most part, little trash and stray animals. (Asian countries seem to have an abundance of stray animals roaming around) We arrived at our hostel and were immediately welcomed with an ICE by Sonny. We stayed at Guesthouse #11, I highly recommend this hostel for anyone going to Chang Mai.  The owner was AWESOME! He… Read More

Courtney French's Clinical Experience

Education does not change the world. Education changes people. People change the world. -Paulo Freire

Lily Ellyn

Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.